Current as of June 15, 2021
*Health Protection Condition (HPCON) Alpha*
All personnel at Dannelly Field should practice the following:
- Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- If you’re sick, call your medical provider for instructions on receiving care before going to a clinic or hospital. Make sure your installation is aware of the symptoms of your health threat.
- Stay informed by routinely checking reliable sources of information such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and your local public health agencies.
All HPCON level guidance is available at the U.S. Department of Defense official website:
For Dannelly Field full-time personnel: If you are experiencing coronavirus symptoms (coughing, fever, and shortness of breath) or if you've been in close personal contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, notify your supervisor. If you're unsure, call your supervisor.
Dannelly Field is now open to all DOD ID holders, including civilian and retired. This includes access to the on-base gas pumps and the Force Support Squadron customer service area.
Cloth face coverings are mandatory for all individuals entering Dannelly Field when they cannot maintain six feet of social distance in public areas or work centers. See the linked memorandum for more information.
For more detailed information, please see the CDC and Government Response pages listed in the links section of this site.
This information can and will change. Please check this page frequently for updates.