Dan Shea
Director of Psychological Health
Dan Shea is a West Point - The U.S. Military Academy graduate and recipient of the U.S. Army General MacArthur Leadership Award with nine years of military service. Additionally, he holds a Master of Public Administration in Public Policy and Administration degree from Columbia University in the City of New York and a Master of Social Work degree from the UMKC.
He has held numerous leadership positions at the local, state and federal levels, including service on the Board of Directors for the Washington, DC-based National Association of Social Workers.
Take the time to learn and use your DPH resources to start a trusted relationship that will prosper in your military, civilian and personal lives. He is the full-time DPH and is available anytime for our Red Tails.
For more information you can contact Dan Shea at 334-467-6144 or daniel.shea.17@us.af.mi
A Message for Hope Updated 01JAN2022