WEBVTT 00:01.940 --> 00:04.900 he's very happy and I've also got to 00:04.900 --> 00:07.270 realize that he's actually in tune with 00:07.270 --> 00:10.040 me . He cares about people , he cares 00:10.040 --> 00:11.707 about the mission . He's very 00:11.707 --> 00:13.910 passionate about what he does . He's a 00:13.920 --> 00:15.880 great communicator . Talking about 00:15.880 --> 00:17.991 somebody that's gonna forward thing . 00:17.991 --> 00:20.158 Somebody is going to be preparing this 00:20.158 --> 00:22.324 wing for the fight that we have coming 00:22.324 --> 00:24.547 up in the future . I want to talk about 00:24.547 --> 00:26.602 somebody that thinks differently . I 00:26.602 --> 00:28.713 think Carl DeMaio is going to be that 00:28.713 --> 00:30.936 guy red tails . You may never know what 00:30.936 --> 00:33.158 it means to me to be standing up here , 00:33.158 --> 00:35.158 but you're gonna feel it and you're 00:35.158 --> 00:37.380 gonna see it every day I leak this wing 00:37.380 --> 00:39.436 has something our adversaries should 00:39.436 --> 00:41.436 fear . Over the last month , you've 00:41.436 --> 00:43.102 already started to begin this 00:43.102 --> 00:45.324 transition that are chiefs talked about 00:45.324 --> 00:47.324 accelerate change or lose . This is 00:47.324 --> 00:49.547 what we must do now because while we've 00:49.547 --> 00:51.491 been in combat the last 20 years , 00:51.491 --> 00:53.602 China and Russia and others have been 00:53.602 --> 00:55.713 hard at work . They built their power 00:55.713 --> 00:57.769 and a combined effort to deny us the 00:57.769 --> 00:59.880 ability to protect the free world and 00:59.880 --> 01:01.991 they're attempting to disrupt our way 01:01.991 --> 01:04.102 of life . And they have been affected 01:04.240 --> 01:06.296 the days of unchallenged superiority 01:06.296 --> 01:08.129 are over and it's time for us to 01:08.129 --> 01:12.060 rethink how we fight . So our job then , 01:12.740 --> 01:15.160 is the transition to the F 35 under 01:15.160 --> 01:17.520 agile combat operations and to train 01:17.520 --> 01:19.576 multi capable airman airman that are 01:19.576 --> 01:21.576 capable of multiple jobs at any one 01:21.576 --> 01:23.631 time . Just like the tuskegee airmen 01:23.631 --> 01:25.631 did it . We will accelerate the red 01:25.631 --> 01:28.020 tail legacy and become the best F 35 01:28.020 --> 01:30.340 wings on the planet , ready to fight 01:30.350 --> 01:33.460 anytime anywhere . As your commander , 01:33.460 --> 01:35.682 I will lead with passion because I know 01:35.682 --> 01:37.682 anything we're doing comes from the 01:37.682 --> 01:39.571 heart . I will lead with tenacity 01:39.571 --> 01:41.682 because our task is difficult and our 01:41.682 --> 01:43.849 time is short and I will lead from the 01:43.849 --> 01:46.270 front with vision because I believe 01:46.270 --> 01:48.437 answers to defeating our enemies would 01:48.437 --> 01:50.610 be found right here . And we will be 01:50.610 --> 01:52.666 victorious because we fight with the 01:52.666 --> 01:55.390 greatest weapon of all the will of free 01:55.390 --> 01:58.850 men and women are enemies will know us . 01:58.860 --> 02:01.530 They will know us by name . They will 02:01.530 --> 02:03.870 fear us because we are the red tails 02:03.870 --> 02:06.950 and we deliver . Oh . 02:12.740 --> 02:13.650 Mhm . Mhm .