WEBVTT 00:05.440 --> 00:07.607 part of being adaptable . You know the 00:07.607 --> 00:10.130 whole accelerate change or lose is all 00:10.130 --> 00:13.600 about adapting and changing to 00:13.600 --> 00:15.656 accomplish the mission . If you keep 00:15.656 --> 00:17.656 doing it the same way you've always 00:17.656 --> 00:19.933 done it if we keep executing D . C . A . 00:19.933 --> 00:21.600 Where yes we effectively kill 00:21.600 --> 00:23.933 everything that's flying in my position . 00:23.933 --> 00:26.044 Well we may have not achieved the aim 00:26.044 --> 00:28.267 of Mideast ability And it's really come 00:28.267 --> 00:30.489 home being here on activity on the 58th 00:30.489 --> 00:32.930 and learning about the F 35 and our job 00:32.940 --> 00:36.340 as the F 35 is to conduct suppression 00:36.340 --> 00:38.660 of enemy air defenses and then that as 00:38.660 --> 00:40.771 a whole as we kind of look at what is 00:40.771 --> 00:42.882 the mission of the D . O . D . Or the 00:42.882 --> 00:44.716 Air Force or the C . Fact or the 00:44.716 --> 00:46.771 centcom commander going way up there 00:46.771 --> 00:48.716 all the way down to me and my F 35 00:48.840 --> 00:51.360 maybe we're trying to hit targets to be 00:51.360 --> 00:53.416 able to enable ground forces to move 00:53.416 --> 00:55.527 forward . Maybe they've already taken 00:55.527 --> 00:57.582 actions that enable us to accomplish 00:57.582 --> 01:00.280 our missions . Maybe we're defending a 01:00.290 --> 01:02.623 carrier air wing or something like that , 01:02.623 --> 01:05.260 I mean , but what we do functionally is 01:05.260 --> 01:08.200 we support other assets in their 01:08.200 --> 01:10.422 efforts to accomplish their mission . I 01:10.422 --> 01:12.700 did my transition course in the F 35 01:12.710 --> 01:14.654 and then I did my instructor pilot 01:14.654 --> 01:16.877 upgrade and then I started my two years 01:16.877 --> 01:18.821 of messed orders . So whenever you 01:18.821 --> 01:21.043 switch their friends on the guard , you 01:21.043 --> 01:22.988 get two years to basically build a 01:22.988 --> 01:25.043 foundation of experience before . If 01:25.043 --> 01:27.210 you were to go traditional , you would 01:27.210 --> 01:29.043 do that . And so I am doing that 01:29.043 --> 01:31.154 somewhat typically here at Eglin with 01:31.154 --> 01:33.266 the active duty instead of doing that 01:33.266 --> 01:35.432 at my home Guardian , it's been fun to 01:35.432 --> 01:37.800 see things that the active duty does 01:37.800 --> 01:40.080 differently and they do well . But on 01:40.080 --> 01:42.247 the other hand , to bring guard flavor 01:42.247 --> 01:44.302 down to an activity unit I think has 01:44.302 --> 01:46.469 benefit of the active duty . The guard 01:46.469 --> 01:48.469 is really effective at what it does 01:48.469 --> 01:50.413 because we forge really close ties 01:50.413 --> 01:52.524 between the members of our units . So 01:52.524 --> 01:54.580 we get to be really high functioning 01:54.580 --> 01:56.747 teams . Uh But I think hybrid vigor is 01:56.747 --> 01:58.969 good too . So kind of getting out there 01:58.969 --> 02:01.080 learning new techniques , not talking 02:01.080 --> 02:03.247 to the same people everyday introduces 02:03.247 --> 02:05.413 you to new ideas and you you can build 02:05.413 --> 02:07.080 some new ideas just from that 02:07.080 --> 02:08.969 interaction . And I think that is 02:08.969 --> 02:11.191 healthy for the unit . I think the fact 02:11.191 --> 02:14.850 that our identity is not as and 02:15.240 --> 02:19.190 F . 16 wing means that it's not 02:19.190 --> 02:21.246 going to be a difficult transition . 02:21.246 --> 02:23.440 Our identity is we are the Alabama Air 02:23.440 --> 02:25.662 National Guard , you know , and if your 02:25.662 --> 02:27.884 family picks up the move somewhere else 02:27.884 --> 02:29.940 or your mom or dad switched jobs and 02:29.940 --> 02:31.996 start doing something different like 02:31.996 --> 02:33.884 that . Doesn't change your family 02:33.884 --> 02:35.884 dynamic . It doesn't change how you 02:35.884 --> 02:35.850 interact , you know , with your 02:35.850 --> 02:38.072 brothers and sisters or parents or your 02:38.072 --> 02:40.128 Children or anything like that . You 02:40.128 --> 02:42.072 just switch course of action , You 02:42.072 --> 02:44.128 adapt to the new environment and you 02:44.128 --> 02:46.350 press forward , let's figure this thing 02:46.350 --> 02:48.572 out and let's execute as effectively as 02:48.572 --> 02:50.572 we have , You know , when they have 02:50.572 --> 02:52.794 four And then we transition the F16 and 02:52.794 --> 02:54.961 now here we are transitioning the F 35 02:54.961 --> 02:56.961 and I think we've been effective in 02:56.961 --> 02:56.760 every different airframe we've flown .